Blog Post

When Should You Call an Electrician for HVAC System Repair?

  • By Tim Flinders
  • 12 Jan, 2018

You rely on your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system to keep your home comfortable year-round, but, if you're like most homeowners, you only have the most fundamental understanding of how this home system functions.

Because HVAC systems are so complex, when they become less efficient or break down, you may have trouble identifying the source of the issue. To get an accurate diagnosis and effective solution, you must contact the right professional for the job as soon as possible.

In some cases, your HVAC repairs require the expertise of an electrician rather than a conventional HVAC technician. In this blog, we list the symptoms that can inform you that your climate control issue calls for an HVAC electrician.

Flipped Breaker

HVAC units require more power than virtually any other system or appliance in the average home. Due to this massive electrical load, HVAC systems must have their own electrical circuits to ensure that the system doesn't leech power from other items.

If your HVAC system is mistakenly connected to a shared circuit, you may notice that the breakers flip often. This issue can also happen if the circuit used doesn't have sufficient capacity for an HVAC system of that size.

You may notice flipped breakers most often right after upgrading your climate control if you didn't also change your electrical system. An HVAC electrician will need to reroute some of the power or upgrade the circuit to keep your unit powered.

The breaker may also flip during a power outage, so if your unit doesn't start when the lights come back on, check the breaker box first.

Inaccurate Thermostat

You control your HVAC system via thermostat settings. Sometimes the connection between the input of your thermostat and the performance of your unit can become disrupted.

In this situation, you may notice that the heat or air conditioning keeps running even after your home reaches the desired temperature or that the unit does not respond at all when you change the settings.

Several electrical problems can cause communication issues between your thermostat and unit, such as faulty wiring.

No Power

Perhaps the most obvious HVAC problem related to your electrical system is when the unit does not turn on at all. After you have checked the breaker as discussed in the first section, call an electrician to handle this issue.

You may have a damaged or open electrical relay. This issue would create a safety hazard if the unit turned on, so your electrical system prevents the HVAC unit from drawing any power until the relay is repaired or reset.

Poor Airflow

Low amounts of airflow from your HVAC system can come from numerous causes, including certain electrical problems.

For example, a lack of voltage to the unit, which can occur due to wiring or circuit issues, may lead to poor airflow. In this situation, the internal airflow may also decrease, which could cause the fan to stop cycling fast enough and lead to overheating or frozen pipes.

Slow Start-up

If your HVAC system stutters when it starts or takes an abnormally long time to begin blowing air, this slow start-up is called a hard start. Hard starts often occur when the capacitor, which regulates how electrical energy travels through the unit, becomes damaged.

Repairing or replacing the capacitor and any other affected components should return your HVAC unit to its typical start timeline.

If you notice any of the signs listed above, schedule a visit from an electrician who has experience identifying and addressing HVAC electrical issues.

For comprehensive electrical services, including HVAC repairs, trust the team at Paul Matters Electrical.

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